Teachin’ Trunks
Parents and Teachers appreciate the increasing importance of giving the children the best education and opportunity possible in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).
At Early Engineering we provide fun and innovative STEM based Teachin’ Trunks that can be used at home and at school. There are various themes for the Trunks, with the first one being on Electronics, Programming and Robotics.
Our Teachin’ Trunks are a monthly subscription and you can cancel at any time. They include full instructions on the monthly project, with a DVD explaining exactly how to build it after first explaining the theory. Introduced by our STEM characters and our super-hero Flash-EPROM the instructions are easy to follow and no technical knowledge is required. As you progress through the months you will be building a robot that can see and steer for itself!
Read MoreFor at home
Keep your children educationally engaged with our fun and innovative Teachin’ Trunks! Just try and keep up with them now……
Early Engineering provide Teachin’ trunks for use at home, they are great fun and make an ideal after school activity. There are full instructions so any non-techy parent can look cool! Subscribe here for the Trunk on Electronics, programming and Robotics. The first monthly project involves programming, designing and building a working set of traffic lights : do you know the sequence? Things move fast and projects get more complicated, however these are designed for 8 to 108 : a century of fun!
Read MoreFor Schools and other training/learning establishments
We provide trunks class ready that can be used over and over again. We have even aligned them to the CFE to save teachers time. With full instructions on a DVD that covers theory and then step by step building, even the geography teacher can look cool and build robots!
Each monthly project provides theoretical knowledge and practical implementation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) using various products and technologies. Our unique method incorporates experiments and demonstrations that are specially designed to deliver a hands-on experience. Use in the classroom, lunchtime or STEM clubs, or them all!
Read MoreWork team
[cherry_team limit=”4″ order=”desc” id=”0″ show_name=”yes” show_photo=”yes” size=”cherry-thumb-posts-2″ excerpt_length=”9″ col_xs=”12″ col_sm=”6″ col_md=”3″ col_lg=”3″ template=”team_1.tmpl” class=”extrateam_1″]Getting kids engaged
Our mission is to provide all the children with an opportunity to appreciate and have a hands-on experience with all the aspects of engineering.
Inspiring the next generations big ideas!
Join the education revolution to engineer and build tomorrow today!
Fun hands-on engineering
The children will have the opportunity to understand engineering and whether its for them!