What we do


Technology is constantly changing and developing and unless you keep up you can quickly be left behind. Parents appreciate the increasing importance of giving their children the best education and opportunity possible in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

At Early Engineering we provide fun and innovative STEM based sessions , led by our 3d modelled STEM characters and with a few words from some famous leaders in their chosen fields of learning. Early Engineering is here with the education revolution, embracing the latest in technology to deliver the session material!

Our STEM sessions start with theory and then move onto engineering and problem-solving as they apply the theory they have just learnt. By allowing the children to immediately apply the theories they learn at the start of our sessions knowledge is imparted and learning achieved! Building models that demonstrate the theory whilst having fun!

The classes last up to 90minutes and are held weekly over term time. We also run special sessions during holidays, weekends, special events (weddings, parties, birthdays etc)  and can provide private sessions upon request.

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The demand for early engineers

Children who are starting their education journey cannot know what career opportunities and challenges will exist.

Early Engineering provide your children with a portfolio of sessions that develop their critical thinking skills to solve problems. These skills are crucial for addressing the quality and quantity of engineering talent we are currently experiencing in the country. The opportunity to experiment and build in a creative environment nurtures children’s natural passion for learning and creativity.

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How we deliver

We provide enrichment programmes that focus on learning through STEM based sessions for children. Our programmes give children the chance to explore aspects of engineering outside their normal classroom activities, as Early Engineering believe that children learn best through activities that engage their curiosity and creativity.

Each session provides theoretical knowledge and practical implementation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) using various products and technologies. Our unique method incorporates experiments and demonstrations that are specially designed to deliver a hands-on experience.  We deliver our sessions:

  • In schools after class time
  • After school clubs
  • Weekend clubs
  • Workshops e.g.
  • Homes
  • Churches
  • Libraries
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Safe and educational environment

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Success orientation for each student

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Work team

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Getting kids engaged

Our mission is to provide all the children with an opportunity to appreciate and have a hands-on experience with all the aspects of engineering.


Inspiring the next generations big ideas!

Join the education revolution to engineer and build tomorrow today!


Fun hands-on engineering

The children will have the opportunity to understand engineering and whether its for them!