What is Early Entrepreneur?
We are sure you have seen or at least heard of DragonsDen, well this is an opportunity for kids to experience something similar. This is your opportunity to take your idea from your in your head to the market! Present your conceptual idea to our panel and we will help determine if it is commercially and technically viable.
The entrepreneur sessions are held periodically on a regional basis. To participate you must be a member of the Early Engineer Club, you can buy annual membership in our on-line shop then it’s FREE to enter Early Entrepreneur. We are not looking for ideas that have been already designed already, just those ‘out the box’ ideas that may have been inspired whilst learning programming, electronics & robotics. So get thinking of some wacky ideas that use some or all of the electronics, programming and robotics you have used in the engineering sessions. It may not be technically or commercially viable, but you wont know until we look at it.
This is a great opportunity to :
Build confidence
Improve presentation skills
Develop business skills
Learn about IPR, ®, © , ™ and laws and other ways to protect new designs
Make money
You must have completed the Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced sessions. There is a template to follow. Permission must be given by a parent/carer/guardian.
Read MoreWhat will Early Engineering provide
This project is to inspire the young generation to think out the box and use the knowledge gained from our engineering sessions. If the concept is viable we will develop a prototype and help take it to market.
Designing and building electronics and robots are subjects which brings both excitement and knowledge into the classroom environment in a unique and fun way. We all know how important it is to promote engineering and it has be said that there is now a severe lack of good British engineers these days : we want to change that! All of our projects strive to inspire the younger generation and try to get away from this preconception that engineering is about just getting your hands dirty. We show that it can also be creative, rewarding and fun!
Read MoreHow do I apply for Early Entrepreneur?
If you have not already, join the Early Engineering Club. In the pack you will receive there will be an application form.
If you would like to know more please send an e-mail to us at
Read MoreWork team
[cherry_team limit=”4″ order=”desc” id=”0″ show_name=”yes” show_photo=”yes” size=”cherry-thumb-posts-2″ excerpt_length=”9″ col_xs=”12″ col_sm=”6″ col_md=”3″ col_lg=”3″ template=”team_1.tmpl” class=”extrateam_1″]Getting kids engaged
Our mission is to provide all the children with an opportunity to appreciate and have a hands-on experience with all the aspects of engineering.
Inspiring the next generations big ideas!
Join the education revolution to engineer and build tomorrow today!
Fun hands-on engineering
The children will have the opportunity to understand engineering and whether its for them!